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Wednesday 1in6 Online Support Group
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Kate Logan, Facilitator
Welcome to the Wednesday program of 1in6, Inc.’s Online Support Group (OSG) for men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault as adults. Today’s opener is: “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”~ We will start at the top of the hour!
Ground Rules for the Online Support Group (OSG):
• Participants must be at least 18 years of age, be male-identified and have had an unwanted sexual experience (i.e., childhood sexual abuse and/or adult sexual assault). Anyone who does not meet these criteria will be asked to leave immediately.
• We encourage participants to seek therapy from licenced clinicians. Please note that OSG does not replace or substitute psychological or mental health services.  
• As participants, we agree to start on time. Although we close the doors after 30 minutes, we encourage all participants to start at the top of hour as late participants can be disruptive.  
• We commit to stay for the full session – i.e., we expect participants to stay for the 90-minutes.
• We commit to confidentiality. “Who we see here, what we hear here, let it stay here.” 
• We refrain from advice-giving or asking for advice from other participants.
• We refrain from asking direct questions to others. Instead, we focus on our own experiences using “I” statements.
• Please participate! Sessions are only productive if members share and talk with one another.
• We have the right to pass. That said, we expect everyone to participate in the opening and closing round (i.e., check in and check out). 
• We expect that fellow participants and staff will be treated with respect. Abusive language will not be tolerated and those who violate this rule will be ejected for that session. 
• Please refrain from sharing unnecessarily graphic language as it may be triggering for others.
• We will be sober for the session.
• No personally identifying information is to be shared with other participants. This includes names, emails, phone numbers, etc.
• We may edit your comments via a private message (PM) to you, or delete if not appropriate if they are in violation of any of the above ground rules.
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Great to see you, Klein!
sweeet on!
Kate Logan, Facilitator
You are the first one here right now...but, I think we will likely get a few more joining
Welcome to the new person who just joined!
Can you please say hello and/or introduce yourself?
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Thanks so much!
Mark, is this your first time here by chance?
It is
Kate Logan, Facilitator
A special welcome in that case! You will find this a safe space with a supportive group of guys!
Mark, I'm curious how you learned of the service?
Thank you!
My wife found it for me
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Thanks for sharing that! We are very pleased that you found us.
Normally, we have a few more people here by now but some others may trickle in...
In the meantime, I will share some background on the service and introduce the steps of the session
If something isn't clear, please don't hesitate to ask me...
We here at 1in6 commend your interest in your personal recovery, and I acknowledge your commitment to joining us in this online community of men. This is courage in action.
We have been delivering this service since 2016, and we appreciate your trust in working with us.
There are two of us working for 1in6 to deliver this program for you today. Ryan, whom you can't see but is working behind the scenes is the moderator of the group – “mods” handle everyone’s contributions and reviews them before posting.
Keep in mind mods can read the posts but won’t be contributing directly in the discussion.
I hold the role of group facilitator role here. I help keep the discussion rolling, answer questions you may have, and share insights or useful knowledge with you.
Mark, maybe scan the Ground Rules as well -- just scroll up and then we can get started
I've read them, all sounds good 👍
Thank you
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Okay, super! Thank you!
So, let's get started then...
To start, let’s have everyone “check in”. Write a brief sentence on how you are feeling right now. Once we hear from the first volunteer, we can then have everybody check in. Focus on your feelings more than thoughts. Avoid words like “good” or “okay’ or “crappy” – they don’t really convey your emotions. Can someone get this going? If you feel stuck, try to focus on one of these feeling states: mad, sad, glad, or anxious.
Right now I feel very tired; I have vascilated between very sad and very angry the past few days
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Could you try to put some feelings to that, Klein (e.g. glad, sad, mad, anxious, calm, frustrated, etc.)?
buuut since there's a new guy, AND since imma trynn to finally eat/drink SOME... imma be mostly quiet... ://
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Thank you for that both of you!
none of those fit...
Kate Logan, Facilitator
Okay, thanks for trying Klein -- sometimes it is helpful to look at a "feelings wheel" (a google should get you there) --this an image of the composition of many emotions, stemming from a core of primary emotions. It can be handy to help identify different felt states.
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