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Mark P
The Weekend Chat is open!  Let's take a minute for the questions to start rolling in, and then we'll begin...
Ghost of Bobby Thigpen
Hey Mark. Should I, as a White Sox fan, have any faith that Chris Getz will nail this Trade Deadline? Also, if he does, should I have any faith that they'll actually develop the talent they receive?
Mark P
I liked the return on the Cease trade, so by that early measure, Getz passed his first big trade test.  I think there was a bit more of a ticking clock on Cease than there is on a Crochet or a Robert, and Getz has some leverage in the fact that he only "needs" to trade the rental types.  If he doesn't get a big enough offer for one of his top trade chips, he'll just keep them until the winter and explore a broader market.

Whether the Sox can develop said talent is an open question, given how the team hasn't drafted or developed particularly well.  Obviously this is the big question for the next 5-10 years of White Sox baseball since creating a more solid environment for young talent is the key to the rebuild.
Will max Sherzer get traded if so , what team
Mark P
Scherzer said the other day that he isn't waiving his no-trade clause again, so that might very well settle that.
Do you see the Orioles getting a closer-type arm for the bullpen? Given how Kimbrel has looked in the playoffs recently, can they really trust him for the rest of the season?
Mark P
No doubt the O's will be bolstering the bullpen, and a "closer type" (i.e. a Tanner Scott, Mason Miller, or perhaps a lesser name with impressive stuff) would go a long way to managing any doubts over Kimbrel
I have a Vladdy Jr jersey on order for August. Will this be a foolish jersey choice (it's free).
Mark P
Guerrero is a common enough name that there will surely be another Guerrero who plays for the Jays at some point.  A little duct tape can easily make that jersey viable down the road!

Serious answer: I doubt Vlad is going anywhere.  The Jays will move the rental players but it doesn't seem (yet?) like they're considering a larger scale of selloff, since they want to win in 2025
As a Jays fan, this has some real vibes of the 2017 season, with next year being a rehash of 2018 when they finally launched a rebuild (arguably too late).
How doe a possible Reese Olson injury impact the possibility of trading Flaherty?
Mark P
The Tigers being red hot in the last two weeks might be a bigger factor about their deadline plans, since if anything, Detroit looks like they could be closer to buying than selling.
Will the D’Backs trade Walker?
Mark P
Nope.  D'Backs are trying to win, they're playing some good baseball, and moving Walker is not helpful to their plan of a repeat
Giants Future
Do you see the Yankees trying to make a move for Doval and Chapman? And could the Giants get some of their higher prospects for those two?
Mark P
The Giants pivoted to selling, maybe, but I kind of doubt that's going to be the case to quite the extent you're suggesting.
Can the Rangers get a top 100 prospect for any of the expiring contract guys do you see them making a package deal.
Mark P
Eovaldi or Scherzer would net such a prospect, but we covered Max's no-trade protection earlier, and Eovaldi also has a partial no-trade clause.  Beyond that, Texas is another team I'm not sure really goes in for some high-level selling since I think they feel they can get back into the race over August and September
Even if they are still in the race, could we see the Padres look to deal Kim?
Mark P
Very doubtful.
Birds Fan
Would trading Goldschmidt actually help the cardinals compete this year?
Mark P
That would be an awfully tricky needle to thread, since you'd have to find a team with interesting assets to move, and also willing to move said assets for a veteran player who simply hasn't performed well this year.  Unless you're suggesting a bit of a salary dump-esque kind of move just to open up a spot in STL's lineup, but that's also probably more aggressive than the Cardinals want to be
Alex Cora seems destined to do something he never achieved as a player…. Big time free agent. Since he is not going back to the redsox…. His next destination?
Mark P
I agree that Cora is probably moving on to the highest bidder, though Boston's quality play this year might give him some extra pause about leaving.  

This is a hard race to handicap since as we saw with Counsell last year, the presence of a big-name manager on the market could make an unexpected team jump into the running.
Are the Athletics a playoff team in 25?
Mark P

Fuller answer: obviously a lot can happen at the deadline and this offseason, and hey, you never know in baseball, but.....nope.  Hard nope.
Any chance the Twins can land Eovaldi and Yates at the deadline?
Mark P
Yates is likelier from my perspective just because of the lower price tag, since payroll is still probably an issue in Minnesota.
Is it the lights near the roof at T-Mobile the batters eye issues Teoscar was talking about? I recall hearing that from many guys and that’s why certain fa’s don’t want to come plus the wind and marine layer
Mark P
While I don't know the ballpark's layout off the top of my head, you'd think it is something cosmetic like that that's drawing complaints from their own hitters, the Mariners would explore moving or re-installing those lights in some fashion.  I realize that what I'm suggesting might not be an easy reno project by any means, but something as obvious as lighting would seem like a fixable problem.
What the heck is wrong with Olson,Murphy and Arcia?
Mark P
Arcia's career numbers are a lot closer to his 2024 output than his 2022-23 output, so his struggles aren't exactly a surprise.  Murphy might still be getting over his long injury layoff to some extent, though he's been back for almost two full months now and has yet to heat up.

Olson is an interesting case since his Statcast page isn't too different from last year, from a pure red/blue perspective.  It's just that his rates are down to just being "above average" rather than elite, and it has let to this curiously middling season from a guy who I thought was a sure thing
Red sox
If cora leaves who replaces him as this team seems poised to really bust out both in young talent and payroll expansion in the next couple years..seems like a destination anyone wanting to manage as unlike the gm spot manger has been very stable coras suspension aside
Mark P
Varitek is the name you often hear as Boston's manager of the future, but I don't know if he's happy with his coaching role or if he is eager to take on the more pressurized manager's job.
Walk-up song tonight?
Mark P
Rubberneckin', by Elvis
What could Andy Ibañez and his 1.000 OPS against leftys get the Tigers?
Mark P
It'll get them some sorely needed hits in their own lineup, since like I noted earlier, Detroit might no longer be in seller mode if they keep playing this well.
Surprised at the return the Nats got for Hunter Harvey? Could Finnegan potentially yield a similar return?
Mark P
Technically, they can't get a "similar" return since the competitive balance picks for next year's draft yet.  But, pedantic answer aside, Finnegan's peripherals are shaky enough that I doubt he'd get quite as good a return.

Thought it was both a bold move from the Royals and a really nice return for Washington.  The Nats "won" in my early view but I respect how KC is clearly trying to go for it and capitalize on their hot start to the season.
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